the titanium, limited edition maze-x pipe
purple maze-x pipe
blue maze-x pipe


Weedgets ist der beste Online-Raucherladen und die erste Adresse für tolle wasserlose Kühl- und Filtergeräte zum Rauchen von Marihuana. Unsere coole Weed-Pfeifen-Technologie filtert und senkt die Rauchtemperatur, sodass Sie sanft und angenehm inhalieren können. Sie schützt sogar Ihren Mund, Hals und Ihre Lunge vor ekligem Harz und Teer. Sie werden auf dem Markt keine bessere Weed-Pfeife finden.

Bestellen Sie unsere brandneue X5 One-Hitter-Pfeife vor! Eine erstaunliche Weiterentwicklung eines einfachen, mobilen Rauchgeräts.

cross-section image of the internals of the Maze-X pipe

The Maze-X Pipe

Our best-selling Maze-X Pipe demonstrates our commitment to quality and a healthy alternative to other pipes. Its intricate, patented maze filtration system catches resin and tar before they can irritate your throat and lungs.  Endorsed by the American Cannabis Nurses Association (ACNA), the Maze-X is a testament to our dedication to healthier smoking.

Looking for THE premium experience? Explore our Limited Edition Titanium Maze-X gift set.

Get the Maze-X Pipe
X5 One-Hitter with case and 5 brass PODs
X5 One-Hitter Pipe with case and PODs
The X5 One-Hitter showing the size compared to a BIC lighter

On-the-Go Enjoyment with the X5 One-Hitter Pipe

For discreet and convenient smoking, the X5 One-Hitter is your perfect companion. This sleek, portable device can incorporate an activated carbon filter, providing cleaner, filtered hits wherever you go.  It's the ideal choice for those seeking a quick and portable smoking experience.

Buy the X5 One-Hitter

Browse Our Lineup of Innovative Smoking Devices

Beyond the Maze-X and the X5 One-Hitter, Weedgets offers a full catalog of high-quality weed pipes, smoking accessories, and spare parts.  We're constantly developing new and exciting products to enhance your smoking sessions.

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Unsere patentierte Filtertechnologie funktioniert wie ein Labyrinth, das Harz und Teer in der Pfeifenkammer auffängt, nicht in Ihren Lungen! Das Rauchen ist jetzt noch besser. Die Maze-X-Pfeife wurde kürzlich von der American Cannabis Nurses Association (ACNA) empfohlen! Schauen Sie sich unser neues, limitiertes Geschenkset aus Titan MAZE-X-Pfeifen an.

Probieren Sie unsere brandneuen Delta9 THC-Gummis in drei tollen Geschmacksrichtungen!

Why Choose Weedgets?

Patented Filter Technology

Our maze system and filter tips ensure cleaner, cooler, and healthier inhales. When you take a hit, the smoke travels through a spiral maze allowing the core to catch resin, tar, and burning material.

Superior Material Quality

We craft our marijuana smoking devices from premium materials like borosilicate glass, brass pipe tips, medical-grade silicone, and aircraft-grade aluminum for extended product lifespan.

Health-Focused Design

We prioritize your well-being by minimizing harmful byproducts, burning material, tar and resin.

Personal Customer Service

We are working hard for a safer and happier experience with our products and take that seriously. Our customer support team is committed to providing exceptional customer support within our policies.