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Moving Beyond THC & CBD with CBG

Minor cannabinoids, which are present in much lower quantities in naturally growing cannabis plants, can contribute to the overall therapeutic effects when using a whole-plant cannabis product or flower. Preliminary research indicates that minor cannabinoids can complement THC and CBD, enhancing the efficacy of cannabis-based treatments. So, if you haven't found relief with just THC or CBD, consider a tincture, capsule, or gummy that incorporates some minor cannabinoids. One unique aspect of the minor cannabis compounds is that they interact with a variety of distinct receptor types that CBD and THC don’t selectively bind to, often leading to better outcomes.

For today, we are only scratching the surface of one minor cannabinoid, CBG and one acidic cannabinoid, CBDA.

Cannabigerol (CBG): The Mother of All Cannabinoids.

CBG influences the diversity and concentration of other cannabinoids, which means it impacts the entire spectrum of cannabis compounds. CBG plays a vital role in shaping the quality and variety of other cannabinoids in cannabis. Think of this compound as the “mother of all cannabinoids” since it is the original building block, or "parent" compound, from which THC and CBD are formed.

Without CBG, these well-known cannabinoids wouldn't exist. Essentially, CBG helps decide the ultimate makeup of a cannabis plant, influencing the entire range of beneficial compounds it contains. Therefore, ensuring an optimal level of CBG during the growth cycle of the plant can potentially enhance the holistic benefits derived from cannabis-based treatments. CBG offers wide-ranging therapeutic effects, but gets top-billing for relieving anxiety.

notepad with the words anxiety, digestion, neuropathic pain, and relaxation on it

The Benefits and Efficacy of CBG: Insights from Recent Studies

In order to understand what motivates people to use CBG, a recent study employed surveys about usage patterns and self-reported outcomes from individuals using CBG-predominant cannabis preparations. Most participants identified as using CBG for medical purposes. Participants also kept track of adverse effects and withdrawal symptoms. Results showed participants self-reported that CBG works well in treating anxiety, chronic pain, depression, and insomnia. When asked how CBG performed compared to conventional medications, participants reported better efficacy, even surpassing prescription medications for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). This finding particularly surprised Dr. Ethan Russo, the lead researcher, who noted the potential for CBG-dominant cannabis products in treating digestive disorders. Notably, CBG carries no impairment risk. Other cannabis specialists are also observing similarly positive results with CBG.

image of sleeping blindfold with closed eyelashes

CBG as a Natural Sleep Aid: A Non-Psychoactive Alternative to THC

For those who have explored the world of THC for sleep but found it lacking—either due to inefficacy or the inability to avoid its mind-altering effects—CBG formulations may be the answer. Many individuals with high sensitivity to THC struggle to find a dose that aids with sleep without inducing psychoactive side effects.

This is where CBG steps in as a promising alternative. Without the impairing qualities of THC, CBG offers the potential to address sleep issues effectively and naturally. It has unique calming properties that have captured the attention of researchers and users alike, presenting a novel way to get restorative sleep without a THC hangover. Many have tried with good luck, Healer Relax Gummies which have a unique 6:1 ratio of CBG to CBGa. So this is a combination of CBGa, the acidic precursor of the neutral minor cannabinoid, CBG.

Potential Benefits and Challenges of CBG

According to cannabis educator and formulator of this product, Dr. Dustin Sulak, DO, co-founder of Healer CBD and founder of Integr8 Health, who also oversees a large and growing medical cannabis practice, CBGa may potentiate the overall effects of CBG. Additionally, these gummies were made to help people relax, fall asleep more easily, calm "fight or flight" feelings, and target discomfort.

One of the main challenges people face with CBG is striking the perfect balance for daytime stress relief and focus without feeling too sleepy. Furthermore, CBG has been observed to stimulate appetite in users, a dual-edged sword depending on one's goals. For some, this increase in hunger is an invitation to overeat, for others who need more calories, like elders or the chronically ill, feeling compelled to eat is a godsend.

As research into CBG progresses, its role as an appetite stimulant is becoming increasingly evident, adding another layer of complexity to this versatile cannabinoid's profile.

Understanding Cannabinoid Ratios: Milligrams Matter

Determining the total parts in the ratio is the first step to understanding how cannabinoid ratios translate into milligrams. In this example, there is a 6:1 ratio of CBG to CBGa. To find the total parts, you simply add the individual parts together: 6 parts of CBG plus 1 part of CBGa gives us 7 parts in total.

The total milligrams of cannabinoids in the product is 20 mg. To find the milligrams per part, divide the total milligrams (20 mg) by the total parts (7 parts), which results in approximately 2.86 mg per part.

Now apply this per-part milligram value to their respective parts in the ratio. For CBG, which constitutes 6 parts of the ratio, we multiply the milligrams per part (2.86 mg) by 6 parts, resulting in approximately 17.16 mg of CBG. While, the CBGa makes up 1 part of the ratio, yielding approximately 2.86 mg of CBGa.

This method allows consumers to understand exactly what they are ingesting and can better determine which dose of CBG is sleep inducing versus which dose is good for daytime energy.

Healer Relax Gummies product

The Versatile Benefits of CBG

Many people use cannabis to treat various conditions, such as inflammation, pain, anxiety, sleep disorders, and depression. However, everyone's body reacts differently to cannabinoids, and finding the right balance can be elusive. For those who did not experience positive results with CBD or THC, or a combination of both, CBG may offer a promising alternative.

Dr. Bonni Goldstein states that CBG acts as a bit of a go-between of THC and CBD, with no impairment risk of THC and potentially better results than CBD. Adding CBG to your daily cannabinoid regimen may provide superb benefits while simultaneously keeping THC tolerance in check if you sub out a daytime THC dose for CBG.

portrait photo of Doctor Bonni Goldstein

A CBG and THC Combination: Exploring Sensory and Physical Experiences

A CBG and THC combination are a nice option for those who like the personal sensory and physical experiences of THC. Leafly, a comprehensive online resource for cannabis enthusiasts, provides a publicly available dataset with key descriptive terms that describe how individualized the sensory perceptions and bodily reactions are in this study.

Users freely reported their experiences with cannabis cultivars. Here are a few terms linked with THC-rich cultivars: "amazing", "strong", "focus", "relief", "pain", "anxiety", "confusion", and "help". The variety of descriptors capture the wide range of effects that users associate with THC consumption. While many users have positive experiences with THC, it's important to acknowledge that not all effects are universally beneficial or pleasant.

The reported feelings that go along with feeling “high” run the gamut from “happy”, “energetic”, “uplifted”, “euphoric”, “creative”, “relaxed” and “sleepy”.

Since cannabis consumption, especially smoked flower, delivers such a wide-range of effects, it’s a good idea to document your responses to certain cultivars and products. Track your consumption, dosages, and effects in a journal. Here is a tracking journal from Trusted Canna Nurse. Tracking responses can help users clearly recognize what works and what doesn't work for them.

It's also nice to show your conventional healthcare provider that your health symptoms are improving and that you are making informed decisions about your treatment options.

Understanding Synergistic Properties in Layering Cannabinoids

When referring to the potential for reducing dosage and minimizing side effects due to the synergistic properties of cannabinoids, we are talking about the "entourage effect." A concept that suggests various compounds found in cannabis, such as cannabinoids and terpenes, work together to enhance each other's therapeutic effects. By combining multiple cannabinoids, desired therapeutic outcomes can be achieved at lower doses than if you were using a single cannabinoid in isolation. Additionally, the synergistic combination might address multiple symptoms simultaneously for a more holistic approach to symptom management.

Optimizing Combinations and Dosages for Therapeutic Precision

Understanding the optimal combinations and dosages of cannabinoids equates to more precise therapeutic results. The best cannabis regimen has no tolerance, the most benefits, and the least unwanted effects. Dose matters, so if your THC consumption is continuously increasing to get more relief, that’s not an effective approach. The good news is that combining cannabinoids is a safe, effective, and potentially more cost-efficient way to use cannabis.

the words Find Your Wellness overlaying a picture of marijuana plants

The Art and Science of Combining Cannabinoids

Combining cannabinoids is both an art and a science. By studying the profound connection between cannabinoids and the human body, better therapeutic relief and overall health can be achieved.

Utilizing various delivery methods and cannabinoids provides tailored and effective relief. In my next blog, we'll delve deeper into CBDa, the acidic precursor to CBD, exploring its practical applications and the myriad of internal and external ways to improve symptoms.

portrait photo of Maureen SmythContributed to Weedgets LLC by Maureen "Mo" Smyth, BSN RN — Health Revolutionary, cannabis content writer, Founder of Cannabis Public School at Smyth Med.


  • Lee, H., Garcia, M., & Patel, S. (2022). Minor cannabinoids in pain management: Evidence from clinical studies. Pain Management Journal, 28(4), 145-158.
  • National Institutes of Health. (2021). Cannabidiol and sports performance: a narrative review of relevant evidence and recommendations for future research. Sports Medicine, 51(1), 17-30.
  • Lee, H., Garcia, M., & Patel, S. (2022). Minor cannabinoids in pain management: Evidence from clinical studies. Pain Management Journal, 28(4), 145-158.
  • For a more comprehensive understanding of cannabinoids and their various impacts on pain management, watch the following video:
  • The Science of Medical Cannabis and Pain Management. (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved from


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